After some discussion, the club board has shifted from the proposed new name of “Financial Club” to instead “Personal Finance Club.” The “Personal Finance Club” name definitely reflects what has been the implied mission over the past few years.
The process for a name change is not difficult, but it does require a few steps. We have to modify our charter (by-laws). The proposed modified charter is then forwarded to the Clubs and Community Organization Committee (CCOC). Once approved by the CCOC, we will then be able to bring the matter to you, the membership, for a vote. As per the CCOC Procedures Manual, only members that are current on 2025 dues will be able to vote. If you still need to pay your 2025 dues you can click on the Pay Dues link on the top menu and take care of that.
We will keep you posted here and during our regular meetings. Thank you for your support.